Replacement of metal-rubber-metal bushing with metal-polyurethane or metal-rubber non-glued (Manual #17)

Some bushing can be available in construction composed of 2 elements. This solution is more popular for polyurethane bushings, but can also be found in elements with the rubber. While replacement elements in this solution, it is important to press these 2 elements in the correct order. Below is a manual how correctly handle those types of bushings.

How correctly install 3-elements bushing?

Before replacement

Removing the bushing


A – Rotate element
B – While removing bushing, press on the upper surface of the outer bushing
C – Press
D – Auxiliary bushing for pressing out
E – Outer bushing
F – Inner bushing with rubber/polyurethane
G – Control arm
H – Place blocks under control arm


Correctly removed element


Before installation of the new bushing, precisely clean the socket and make chamfer to press the new element easier

A – Make a chamfer
B – Clean the socked thoroughly
C – Control arm
D – Outer bushing
E – Inner bushing with rubber/polyurethane



A – Surfaces to be greased
B – Press
C – Polyurethane/rubber insert
D – Control arm

All elements should be properly lubricated with the supplied silicone grease


A – Surfaces to be greased
B – Press
C – Inner bushing
D – Polyurethane/rubber insert

While pushing the inner bushing, the Press the new polyurethane / rubber insert to its half of its length, then press it on the metal bushing


Press the new insert until the flange came out from the bottom


Aligning inner bushing and polyurethane/rubber insert to socket

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